RADFORD – Belle Heth fourth grade teacher Heather Rowland was found taped to a brick wall Friday, all in the name of education.
Rowland made a challenge to her students at the beginning of the school year – if every member of her class did every bit of their homework every day for 30 days, she would allow the class to duct tape her to the wall. After a false start on day nine, after which they had to start over again, the class recently met the challenge Rowland issued and giggled their way to attaching her to an outside wall at the school on Friday afternoon.

“I like to be the center of attention, but this is a little much,” Rowland said. “It’s well worth it, though.”
Belle Heth Principal Jack McKinley, who has shaved his head at the end of the school year when the student body reached goals he set for Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, said Rowland’s challenge led to good peer mentoring among the class members.
“They all encouraged each other, which was great to see,” McKinley said. “They would check with each other in the mornings, making sure everyone had the homework done.”
Rowland said the past week was a bit tough for the kids, but reaching the goals made it worth it.
“It got a little stressful for them over the last few days because they knew they were so close, but they all stuck it out and achieved together.”
Rowland’s days of being stuck to a wall may not be over – she told the class that if they achieve the same 30-day goal four times in a row, she’ll let them tape her to the wall upside down.