The 5th annual Stuff the Bus drive – a summer event to collect school supplies for children in need – will park buses at the following locations from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday:
- Walmart in Christiansburg
- Radford Public Library
- Floyd County Courthouse
Those who wish to donate but can’t make it to Saturday’s drive may drop off supplies at the following locations through July 31:
- Blacksburg: Kroger on South Main Street
- Christiansburg: WalMart and Big Lots
- Radford: Radford Public Library
- Floyd: Floyd Pharmacy, Dollar General and Slaughter’s Supermarket
All items collected will be distributed to the respective school system’s children in need (Montgomery County, Radford City, Floyd County).
Items needed include: backpacks, pink erasers, protractors, lunchboxes, safety scissors, compass, binders, washable markers, graph paper, folders with pockets, colored pencils/crayons, calculators, spiral notebooks, glue sticks, pens, notebook paper, pointed scissors, spiral notebooks, erasable ball-point pens, rulers, five-tab index dividers, No. 2 pencils, 3k-by-5 index cards and highlighters
In 2013, residents across the New River Valley donated 7,500 items and served 565 children.
Families that need assistance with school supplies for children may contact United Way of Montgomery, Radford and Floyd at 381-2066 or info@unitedwaynrv.org.
– Submitted by Justina Sumpter, United Way