A T-shirt design for Downtown Blacksburg’s 37th annual Steppin’ Out event has been announced. Andrew Hill, a recent graduate of Virginia Tech’s School of Visual Arts’ Visual Communication Design program, submitted the winning design.
Hill is currently working as a freelance artist and graphic designer. His design for this year’s Steppin’ Out shirt is a heartfelt tribute to a town, its people, and an ecologically rich landscape he has grown to know and love.
Downtown Blacksburg, Inc. will host the 37th annual Steppin’ Out on Aug. 4 and 5. More than 250 artists and crafts people from around the county will sell unique handcrafted items. The event will also offer sidewalk sales, festival foods provided by downtown restaurants and three stages of live entertainment!
The Steppin’ Out T-shirt will be printed by downtown merchant, High Peak Sportswear, and will be available to purchase in early May from Mish Mish, Fringe Benefit and Blacksburg Hardware and t.r collection.
— Submitted by
Laureen Blakemore