LPD Foundation founder Bud Foster (from left), brother Tyler Smith of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, “The Clubhouse” host Danny Nokes and manager JJ of Sharkey’s Blacksburg hold the check from the “Pack the Pail” event.
Representatives of local sports radio show “The Clubhouse with Danny Nokes” (WWBU-FM Super Sports 101.7), Sharkey’s restaurant in Blacksburg, and the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta were proud to present a check for the proceeds of their inaugural “Pack the Pail” fundraiser, benefiting the Lunch Pail Defense Foundation, to Virginia Tech Defensive Coordinator Bud Foster.
The non-profit LPD Foundation, which was founded by Foster, funds college scholarships for local New River and Roanoke Valley high school students and assists the families of those awaiting organ transplants.
The “Pack the Pail” event was successful in raising $750 in just under five hours. Donations were made in the form of a percentage of food sales.
Participating Virginia Tech Greek organizations included fraternities Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Chi, and sororities Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma.
Phi Gamma Delta was successful in raising the most money at the event, earning the right to present the total funds raised by all organizations to Coach Foster.
Philanthropy chair Tyler Smith represented the Virginia Tech fraternity at the check presentation to Coach Foster.
“I’ve been fortunate to have the financial ability to come to a school like Virginia Tech and not worry about college tuition,” said Smith. “I’ve also been fortunate to have great health, another thing the Lunch Pail Defense Foundation helps with. I’m glad I was able to help those people out.”
To date, the Lunch Pail Defense Foundation has awarded 23 scholarships of varying dollar amounts for a total of $67,500 to students from eleven different high schools in the New River and Roanoke Valley areas.
In addition, it has also donated approximately $50,000 to its “Organ Transplant Family Support Program” which helps cover a variety of costs incurred by families of organ transplant patients, including long term lodging, transportation, meals, and child care.
For more information or to donate, visit www.lunchpaildefense.com.
— Submitted