I recently saw the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors rejected a proposed two-cent rate hike meant to speed up the start on new schools construction for Christiansburg schools.
The proposed hike would raise the county real state tax from 89 to 91 cent per 100. The increase would be approximately $20-30 per home.
I realize that many residences are living on fixed incomes, and some families are having problems feeding their families. The increase cost would put an additional strain on their budget.
But, as a former guidance counselor at Christiansburg High School, I have seen the need for additional funding for the schools in Christiansburg.
At the high school, many teachers do not have a permanent room, and need to travel from classroom to classroom.
The school is facing an increasing number of students. In addition the school facility is becoming inadequate. Christiansburg Elementary and Primary are in a similar situation
I don’t feel the county can continue to wait for funding. School funding needs to be started now, not in 2023
Steve Huppert,
Christiansburg Town Council.