Glen Chilcote, music teacher at Kipps Elementary School, won the prestigious McGlothlin Award for Teaching Excellence at the elementary level.
Chilcote will receive $25,000, $10,000 of which will be used for an international trip of his dreams. He and his wife, a music teacher at Auburn Elementary, hope to travel to Finland for the Orff Institute. The institute is a center for music and dance education.
“Mr. Chilcote has transformed music instruction at Kipps Elementary School in such a phenomenal way,” said Principal Christopher Widrig. “His passion for teaching music as well as his energy and enthusiasm permeate through all aspects of his music program, and he works tirelessly to engage every student.”
“Glen is a phenomenal teacher who has grown the music culture throughout the division,” said Superintendent Mark Miear. “He shares his successes so that others may learn from them and inspires all students to learn through music.”
Chilcote was previously recognized as the Teacher of the Year for Montgomery County Public Schools and has taught at Kipps Elementary School since 2009. He received his bachelor’s degree in music education from West Virginia University in 2009, his master’s degree in education/music education from Virginia Tech and holds Orff Schulweck teaching certification.
— Submitted by
Brenda Drake