RSVP held its 44th annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, May 11 at Custom Catering in Blacksburg with approximately 110 attending. “Hands That Serve, Hearts That Care” was this year’s theme and Deputy County Administrator L. Carol Edmonds was in attendance to present volunteers with Years of Service and Presidential Service Awards.

We would like to thank Media Specialist Brian Compton of Critzer Elementary who served as the emcee of the event and Lisa Marie Waybright of Good Samaritan Hospice for providing entertainment.
A big thank you goes to our 2017 Recognition Planning Committee: Beverly Bridges, Deborah Lovelace, Charles Lutz, Phyllis Lutz, Raymond Lyons, Diane Simmons, Jill Songer, Debbie Suddarth, and Allie Sullivan.
2017 Presidential Service Awards: Recognizing and honoring volunteers sets a standard for service, encourages a sustained commitment to civic participation, and inspires others to make service a central part of their lives. The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals that have achieved a certain standard – measured by the number of hours of service over the course of their time with RSVP. A total of 26 awards were earned by RSVP members this year!
Lifetime Award (4,000 + hours): Patricia Ballard, Dorothy Finch
Gold Award (500 to 3,999 hours): Brenda Arnold, Margaret Ayers, William Baker, Beverly Bradley, Sharon Brown, Donna, Chafin, Anna Dalton, Phyllis Geoghegan, Joyce Griffin, David Guy, Sr., Carolyn Johnston, Rosemary Jones, Virginia Kanode, Joyce Kelley, Mary Lou Kellough, Pat Lovern, Jan Marks, Dottie McKinnon, Polly Myers, Margaret Peterson, Karen Poff, Sue Stewart, Donna Thompson, Fran West
RSVP Years of Service Awards: We are pleased to have 57 volunteers who have reached these milestone years.
25 Years: Mary Dotson
20 Years: Arnold Nunn, Helen Webb, Wayne Webb
15 Years: Lois Lang, Mary Linkous
10 Years: Dale Alvarez, Adelia Arrington, Patrcia Ballard, Peg Driscoll, Joyce Epperly, Deena Flinchum, Richard Kates, Hattie King, Paula King, Joyce Light, Coreen Mett, Gayle Miller, Ernie Nichols, Diane Simmons, Brenda Spangler, Penny Sweet, Linda Vaught, Joseph Young
Five years: David Armstrong, Merilyn Armstrong, William Baker, Garry Bowman, Sherry Bowman, Nancy Brown, Betty Burress, Glenda Caldwell, Donna Chafin, JoAnn Dow, Joan Efird, Ronald Flanary, Virginia Flanary, Karen Fraizer, Rosa Griffith, Carole Hargrove, Mendel Hess, Lorraine Hodge, Barbara Holstein, Carl Wayne King, Myra Lux, Dottie McKinnon, Dorothy Meredith, Donna Neumann, Nancy Norton, Jane Okeeffe, Thomas Patton, Peggy Rasnick, Judy Sewell, Tommy Susano, Jim Webster, Buster Weeks and Sandy Weeks.
— Submitted by
Mandy W. Hayes