Overview of the new roundabout at the intersection of Southgate Drive and Duck Pond Drive.
Work will continue this summer on dozens of construction projects on Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus. Some of the projects include:
Upper Quad Redesign
Work has begun to prepare for the demolition of Thomas and Monteith halls, signaling the final phase of the major redesign of the Upper Quad. Demolition should begin in June.
O’Shaughnessy Hall Renovation
A $21.5 million project to renovate O’Shaughnessy Hall is underway. In addition to upgraded furnishings, the renovation will include the installation of an air conditioning system, more community spaces, and a unique glass-enclosed stairway that will face a newly landscaped exterior courtyard. The renovations will be consistent with the design style of Pearson Hall.
Baseball Facilities Improvements
The $18 million project to improve English Field at Union Park is underway. The main seating area will be reconstructed and moved closer to home plate. The renovated stadium will seat about 4,000 fans and feature a club behind the first base (visitors’) dugout. A new press box tower structure will feature improvements to accommodate fans, the media, and athletics staff. The ground level will include enhanced concessions, marketing, and restroom facilities. The park entrance will feature an arch, reminiscent of Torgersen Bridge on Alumni Mall, which will make it possible for patrons to see the game from the concession stand.
The project will require lane closures at the intersection of Washington Street and Duck Pond Drive for a waterline connection this summer.
Rector Field House Improvements
A $18.6 million project to renovate and expand Rector Field House will include improved Olympic indoor sports facilities, including track and field and softball batting, fielding, and practice facilities. The renovations will include the addition of entry lobbies, restrooms, and spectator seating as well as training, team, official’s rooms, and storage areas for athletes and athletics staff.
Renovate/Renew Academic Buildings
Work will continue this summer on the renovations of Davidson Hall, Sandy Hall, and the Liberal Arts Building. These renovations will increase the functionality of three underutilized buildings, address several deferred maintenance issues, and reduce critical space deficiencies. The project is expected to cost $35 million and be completed by summer 2018.
Stanger Street, between Old Turner Street and Drillfield Drive, will be closed from June 6-30 while construction crews complete underground work for the project.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Netted Facility
Construction is underway on the development of a $1.2 million Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Netted Facility on Oak Lane, southwest of the Virginia Tech Golf Course. The facility, a 300’ by 120’ drone cage, will have several 85’ tall grey posts around the perimeter that will hold the black net that will enclose the space. Two trailers will be located on the site to serve as office/meeting space. ADA compliant sidewalks, ramps, and street lighting will be installed. This project is part of a $75 million plan to emphasize intelligent infrastructure. It is expected to be complete in fall 2017.
Derring Hall Lab Renovation
Several labs on the fifth floor of Derring Hall are being renovated. The $770,000 project includes a refresh of all spaces, with new floor and wall finishes and other efforts to meet accessibility requirements outlined in the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Abatement and demolition has already occurred and new construction is ongoing. The project is expected to be completed in August.
Moss Arts Center Amphitheater
A $204,000 project to create an outdoor amphitheater on the lawn between the Moss Arts Center and the Pearson Hall is underway. The space, which will consist of three terraced rows of Hokie Stone face seat walls, arranged in concentric semi-circles, will be used to host a range of outdoor events. Electrical outlets and lighting will be included to make the space usable to the campus community on a daily basis.
Southgate/460 Interchange
Work will continue this summer on the multiyear $38.7 million Southgate/460 Interchange project to build a new, grade-separated interchange to replace the intersection of Southgate Drive and U.S. 460 and relocate Research Center Drive. The full project is expected to be completed by December 2018.
Beginning June 12, alternating lanes of the U.S. 460 bypass from Southgate Drive north to Exit 5 (Main Street) will be closed between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. nightly until work is completed. Traffic will be detoured through the Corporate Research Center along Research Center Drive.
Additionally, Southgate Drive will be closed between Route 460 and Beamer Way from May 30-June 12 to complete the work necessary for the tie-in to the new Southgate Drive and existing Duck Pond Drive.
A number of other projects include:
- The removal of an underground storage tank at the Central Steam Plant.
- Replacement of the exterior doors on the west side of the Fralin Life Sciences building.
- Repairs to elevators in Whittemore, Derring, and Burruss halls.
- Repairs to the exterior of McBryde, Burruss, and Shanks halls.
- Roof repair and replacement work at Price Hall.
- Contractors will replace the stone wall cap on the lower portion of the exterior of McBryde Hall this summer to prevent water from getting into the walls. Work will also be done on the top three feet around the exterior of the building to remove and replace damaged mortar in the Hokie Stone.
- Crews will replace a section of high pressure steam pipe at the intersection of Stanger and Old Turner streets.
- The Transgenic Swine Facility on Plantation Road is being renovated and should be completed in mid-August.
- Enhancements to the restrooms at the Price’s Fork Research Facility.
- Replacement and relocation of the third-floor balcony of a large general assignment auditorium in Whittemore Hall.
- Paving of several roads including Grove Lane, Washington Street, and the southern portion of West Campus Drive (including the roundabout) and Beamer Way.
- Bike Corrals will be installed at Squires Student Center, between Kelly Hall and Hancock Hall, and between Lee and Pritchard halls.
Throughout the summer, drivers and pedestrians in the area should expect delays and detours to be in place to allow contractors to get their work done as quickly as possible. Changes in normal traffic and pedestrian routes will be posted on the university’s Traffic Alerts webpage and shared with the community via the Virginia Tech News daily email.