The local board of the national Emergency Food & Shelter program (EFSP) for Floyd County, Montgomery County, and Radford City are currently accepting applications for Phase 34.
These are federal funds awarded through the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, and administered locally by the United Way of Montgomery, Radford and Floyd as a community service. $8,044 is available for agencies serving Radford City, and $36,034 for agencies serving Montgomery County.
Programs receiving funds must provide either emergency food or shelter assistance. Unemployment rates, poverty, population, and housing factors determine award amounts for each jurisdiction. United Way of Montgomery, Radford & Floyd convenes a multi-jurisdictional local board with representatives from its board, local government, the American Red Cross, New River Community Action, the Salvation Army, local ministerial associations, and other community-based organizations. The board determines how the funds are to be distributed among emergency food and shelter programs run by local agencies in each civil jurisdiction. United Way of Montgomery, Radford & Floyd provides staffing, administrative, and other services to this local EFSP board.
Qualifying organizations may apply. Eligible local government or private voluntary organizations must be non-profit 501(c)(3), nondiscriminatory organizations with demonstrated capabilities to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs to Montgomery County and/or Radford residents in need. Agencies must have the capability to comply with EFSP documentation requirements. For more information and/or forms to apply contact Kymn D. Davidson-Hamley, United Way of Montgomery, Radford & Floyd at 381-2066 or immediately. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, July 7.