Liz Kirchner
Cub Scout Pack 348 of Riner held their first litter collection on Monday afternoon on their newly adopted stretch of 5-Points Road.
The group of seven- to 11-year-old boys collected about 12 pounds of trash that evening.
“They had a blast,” reported Assistant Cub Master, Kevin Light. “The neighbors see what they’re doing and thank them and honk.”
Wearing high-viz vests, the kids bagged fast food wrappers and bottles. “We mix older boys with the younger boys and they don’t pick up anything dangerous or sharp,” said Light.
Adopting a road is easy, said Light. “Just find a road that isn’t adopted and put in an application with Virginia Department of Transportation ( It’s free. You pick up trash once a year on your road. They want people to take care of the roads and the kids learn responsibility and giving back to the community.”
Bright blue Adopt-a-Highway signs along Virginia roads announce who has adopted and is caring for that stretch.
Cub Master, JB Anderson, Mr. Light, and Pack 348 chose the road in front of the Auburn United Methodist Church where they hold their meetings.
Any child can join the Cub Scouts at any time. The Riner troop meet on Monday nights at 7 p.m. at the Auburn United Methodist Church in Riner. For more information call 320-4476 Assistant Cub Master, Kevin Light.