The Annual “Hokies for the Hungry” Canned Food Drive will take place Saturday, November 18 at Lane Stadium when the Hokies play the Pitt Panthers. Band members will be at entrances to the stadium collecting canned goods, non-perishable food items and cash donations. The goal is to collect “One Can From Every Fan”. All donations go to the Montgomery County Christmas Store.
Tailgate Pep Bands will march through the parking lots and visit tailgates before kick-off to encourage fans to donate. For cash donations, the Pep Band will play the Hokie Pokie at your tailgate.
The Montgomery County Christmas Store depends on the donations from the annual food drive to stock the Food Pantry at the Christmas Store. Joan Cliff, Food Coordinator, said, “All types of canned and boxed food are needed. If you forget to bring cans, you can always donate some cash.”
Cliff’s goal is to feed 1425 families during the week of December 5-9 when the Christmas Store is open for eligible shoppers. To meet that goal, 27,115 cans plus $8677 are needed for the Food Pantry.

Donated items from the Hokies for the Hungry Canned Food Drive are ready to be organized at the Montgomery County Christmas Store.
Eligible shoppers in Montgomery County are assigned a time to shop in December at the Christmas Store. New clothing in all sizes, new toys, gifts, and household goods are available for shoppers to choose for their family members. At the end of the shopping trip, every family receives enough food for a Christmas meal for everyone in the family.
At this time of the year, we can all help our less fortunate neighbors in Montgomery County. Every football fan can cheer for the Hokies and help our community at the same time. Please help make the “Hokies for the Hungry” Food Drive a huge success and help us collect “One Can From Every Fan”!