A Retired Senior Volunteer Program Meet and Greet will be held in the Activity Room at the RSVP office (210 Pepper St., Christiansburg) from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Thursday.
Newly enrolled and potential volunteers are invited to the Meet and Greet on Thursday and may stop in any time between invites adults age 55 and over to use their life experience and skills to answer the call of their neighbors in need.
“This is a chance for newly enrolled volunteers to learn more about RSVP, the many volunteer opportunities available,” this month’s RSVP newsletter said.
The Meet and Greet comes on the heels of the group’s 45th annual survey of RSVP volunteers who say their work both interesting and impactful.
Fifty-eight volunteers responded, a twenty-five percent response rate, which was considered good, to this short survey.
Ninety-five percent said that their volunteer work is interesting, ninety-eight percent said they believe the volunteer work they do has an impact.
Sixty-eight percent reported that the reason they volunteer is because they feel like they make a difference in the community.
More than ninety percent of respondents said they feel “appreciated, useful and receive satisfaction from doing.”
RSVP’s serves as a clearinghouse to match volunteers’ interests and skills with agencies and organizations that need assistance and provides a variety of opportunities to participate more fully in the life of the community through significant volunteer service.
RSVP is one of the three volunteer programs of Senior Corps along with Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions.
RSVP of Montgomery County and Radford serves over 60 nonprofits serving the local community including Micah’s Backpack, Red Cross, the summer lunch program at the Aquatic Center, the Animal Care Center, and the Warm Hearth Thrift store. RSVP also holds health education events and opportunities for senior public service like the Senior Police Academy.
Survey comments from RSVP volunteers included: “I feel like I’m a part of a team.” “RSVP is like a family to me and the rewards are numerous.” “RSVP always helps me find something to do.” “The program keeps me focused. Reading the newsletter or being called for a task keeps me refreshed and productive.”
For more information see the RSVP Facebook page: RSVP of Montgomery County and Radford.