Head Start is now enrolling 3- and 4-year-old preschoolers for the August 2019-2020 year.

While there isn’t a closing date to apply, New River Community Action, the nonprofit that coordinates Head Start in the NRV, begins screening applications in April, and the school year that begins in mid-August.
“We encourage parents to get their applications in as soon as possible,” Sheryl Helm, director of HeadStart with the NRCA said. “We begin informing families in May. That gives parents time for physicals and to get vaccinations.”
The federally-funded preschool program offers comprehensive developmental services to children 3-5 years of age.
Involving the entire family, Head Start addresses education, social services, preventative health and nutrition.
The program serves parents by providing skills training, literacy classes, parenting classes, educational and employment training opportunities within and outside Head Start. Parents may serve as representatives on Policy Council, which is the governing body of the Head Start Program.
For applications, addresses and phone numbers, visit http://newrivercommunityaction.org/head-start-2/
In Montgomery County Public Schools, the Virginia Preschool Initiative is also taking applications for four-year-olds who are not being served by Head Start. Visit www.mcps.org/departments/curriculum_pages/Preschool or call (540) 382-5100 x 1044
Over 300 children currently receive services through Head Start centers located throughout the NRV.
• Blacksburg Head Start – 701 Church St., Blacksburg 24060. Office phone: 540-552-0490.Fax: 552-3279
• Radford Baptist Church – 215 3rd Ave, Radford 24141. Phone: 540-731-4107
• Christiansburg Head Start – 135 Church Street, Christiansburg, 24073. Office Phone: 540-381-7559. Fax: 381-2085
• McHarg Elementary School – 700 12th Street, Radford 24141. Phone: 540-731-3652 ext 3032
• Pulaski Head Start – 1520 Bob White Blvd., Pulaski, VA 24301. Phone: 540-994-5740
• Head Start Early Learning Center, New River Community College – 5251 College Drive, Dublin, VA 24084. Phone: 540-674-3600