Debbie Bond, New River Community College dean of business and technologies division, was recently honored by her sister, Brenda Bond Nester, with the creation of the “Debra Bond Endowed Scholarship” at New River Community College. Bond began at New River Community College in 1977 as a clerk/stenographer. She has served at the college as an instructional assistant for the business division, adjunct instructor, associate professor, professor of administrative support technology and currently serves as the dean of business and technologies division. Pictured (from left, front row): Debbie Bond; and Bill Vest, Bond’s husband. (From left, back row): Becky Ridpath, retired NRCC faculty member; Angie Covey, NRCC Educational Foundation director; Sharon McDougal, Bond’s daughter; Brenda Bond Nester, Bond’s sister; Amy Nester, Bond’s daughter; and Pat Huber, NRCC president.