The Christiansburg Lions Club sponsored its 28th annual Holiday Craft Show Saturday at the Christiansburg Recreation Center.
A crowd estimated at more than 5,000 that packed the center turned out to be some Christmas shopping. One-hundred and forty-four vendors were on hand, most of them displaying handmade, one-of-a-kind items to put in somebody’s stocking or under a Christmas tree.
Door prizes were awarded, and in case shoppers and vendors alike got hungry, a snack bar, manned by the Lions, was one hand to satisfy those appetites.
The craft show is the local club’s biggest fundraiser of the year. With the proceeds, the Lions provide money for a number of community service projects. These include providing eye glasses for those who can’t afford them; sponsoring Boys and Girls State representatives from local high schools; supporting the Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program, the local rescue squads and the various fire departments; and providing vision screening for local school children.
In all, the Christiansburg Lions Club generates between $20,000 and $25,000 each year for local projects and benevolences.

In addition to paying their club dues, the 50 or so Lions Club members pay for their meals at their monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Amelia’s Italian Restaurant in Cambria. Thus, one hundred percent of the money raised by the Holiday Craft Show is used for local, state, national and international Lions Club projects.
Past club president Doug Kanney had nothing but good things to say about those who supported the craft show and those in the community who supported the show by turning out to shop. “Without our sponsors, the crafters and certainly our craft show shoppers, we could not be successful. We are grateful for each and everyone one of those who help us from year to year with the craft show,” Kanney said.
The success of the 2019 show means the club will be able to continue its service to the area and the people who live here.