Downtown Christiansburg, Inc., (DCI) Monday afternoon announced the selected design of a pocket park to be constructed in downtown Christiansburg.
The decision was made after completing surveys with area residents. The pocket park will feature outdoor seating and indigenous plants. The park will be located between the wings of The Great Road on Main at 100 West Main Street, facing Main Street, an existing open area currently covered in grass and open to the public.
The park design was selected from designs drawn up by Balzer and Associates in Christiansburg. DCI is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission supports the revitalization and promotion of Downtown Christiansburg as a destination for visitors, a warm home for residents and a vibrant economic center for businesses.
The selected design uses a radial design approach with a plant-lined walkway. It draws users physically and visually to the central focal point of the historic bell that once hung in the steeple of the church that became the Great Road on Main. Seating opportunities for small groups near the bell area and a circular walk that surrounds the bell and the colorful seasonal plantings will allow the users to experience the park from a number of vantage points.
DCI received a $3,000 grant from Rally SWVA (Real Action Leadership Learning) in August of 2019 to seed a community project. Rally SWVA is building community leadership capacity and reinforcing collaborative, entrepreneurial communities across the region. A strategy of the Opportunity SWVA initiative, Rally SWVA is an action-learning mini-grant program that engages community leaders in working together to make their community a better place for small businesses
Once the pocket park was chosen as the major objective of the Rally Grant two surveys were conducted. The first was to determine the style, design and ambiance of the park. That initial survey showed that respondents wanted seating in a relaxed and peaceful place that was well landscaped with a variety of flowers plants and trees. From that survey, two designs were drawn, and a second survey chose the winning design.
The ambitious design will require more funding. DCI is working on several ideas including commemorative pavers and sponsorships of plants and fixtures. Those interested in helping to fund or to help with planting and construction are urged to contact DCI through their website,