At a recent meeting, members of the Pilot community elected a slate of officers for the Pilot Community Center’s Board of Directors.
Each term is for one year with elections held each year in the spring.
Elected to the center’s board of directors were President Ted Veggeberg, Vice President John Gill, Secretary Sandy Birkenmaier, and Treasurer Alice Jones.
In turn, other officers relating to the community center were appointed by the board members.
Appointed were Tom Teates, groundskeeper/custodian; Samantha Riggin, historian/archivist; phone tree, Pat Yates; media liaison, Pat Yates; webmaster, T. Byron Kelly; librarian, T. Byron Kelly; photographer, Brenda Eanes; grant and funding solicitor Ted Veggeberg; assistant grant and funding solicitor, Tom Teates; and treasurer Brenda Eanes.