In April the Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg agreed to partner with Montgomery County
Social Services (DSS) to provide needed supplies for the children and the elderly whom DSS serves and made their first delivery of supplies. On Tuesday, July 13, the club made a second delivery of supplies for children and the elderly as requested by DSS..
The club has amended its budget to continue to support DSS with needed supplies and will be offering volunteer labor where and when it is needed.
The second three-month’s supplies delivered to DSS included diapers, baby wipes, pack and plays, laundry detergent, 409 Cleaner, Clorox wipes, and Ensure.
County director Kelly Edmonson said the DSS staff was overwhelmed with the amount of supplies donated to serve the needs of families in the community. She said, “These supplies have been a blessing in our community during a time when it has been needed the most. Thank you for your support.”
Edmonson also said, “A doctor we work with asked who was helping with this for the elderly. He was so impressed that Kiwanis was able to support these community needs. Thank you again. You have no idea how much we appreciate it.”
Since 1949, the Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg has provided support to the local community. Funds for service projects are raised by the club through various fundraisers, grants, and donations. The largest fundraiser is the Kiwanis Wilderness trail Festival, which will take place on Sept. 18 of this year.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.