Submitted by Christopher Finley, Sr. marketing,public relations director, LewisGale Regional Health System
LewisGale Medical Center has broken its record for babies birthed at the hospital for the second year in a row. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, 1,249 babies were delivered, the most in the hospital’s 113-year history.
“Our recent investment into renovated patient rooms, delivery suites, and birthing tubs, among other advanced resources for pain management, makes this the hospital of choice in the region,” said John Harding, MD, labor and delivery department chair. “We have a great team, and this kind of positive momentum is an indicator of why our patients choose LewisGale Medical Center for their women’s health needs.”
The hospital recently began construction of a new neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
The previous birth record was set in 2021 with 1,181 babies born, topping 1995’s 1,075 babies.
“Every delivery plan is customized to the specific family’s needs,” said Lisa Wade, maternal care services director. “Our birthing experience begins long before the first contraction and continues well after delivery. We are pleased to be able to celebrate this tremendous accomplishment.”