A significant part of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority is service to others.
The local chapter of this non-profit group, which is the largest women’s organization in the world, is Alpha Mu Master Chapter. The membership of this chapter conducts fundraising opportunities in order to monetarily support a number of local organizations such as MCEAP, Community Health Center, Women’s Resource Center, Relay for Life, The Agape Center and Pregnancy Resource Center.
For 55 years, Alpha Mu Master has annually supported both the Christiansburg Rescue Squad and the Christiansburg Volunteer Fire Department as their largest service donations. We all enjoy supporting our local community with these philanthropic goals. Recently, Carolyn K. Sowers, Chapter Treasurer, presented checks to Deputy Fire Marshall Curtis Whitt for the Christiansburg Volunteer Fire Department and the Christiansburg Rescue Squad, on behalf of the Alpha Mu Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi.
Submitted by the Alpha Mu Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi