will hold public hearings on Tuesday, February 13, 2024
beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers of the Blacksburg Municipal
Building, 300 South Main Street, Blacksburg, regarding the following items:
Ordinance 2038: An Ordinance to Amend Town Code Sections 14-200, 14-201 and 14-202
Establishing a Civil Penalty for Certain Trash Violations.
The proposed ordinance will amend the Town Code to create a process to address loose trash or garbage in a timely manner.
Ordinance 2040: An Ordinance to Amend Town Code to Establish a New Section 17-315 to
Prohibit Overcrowding in Buildings.
This proposed ordinance will incorporate the provisions of ยง 1001.3 of the Virginia Statewide
Prevention Code regarding overcrowding into the Town Code. Violations will be a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Resolution authorizing Deed of Dedication for Meadowbrook Greenway Trail
The proposed resolution will authorize the Mayor to sign a Deed of Dedication which will designate a portion of the Meadowbrook Greenway Trail as permanent open space.
All persons affected by or interested in the proposed items above may appear and present their
views. After each public hearing, Town Council will consider action on the item. Copies of materials related to the above items are on file and can be obtained in the Office of the Town
Clerk, 300 South Main Street, Blacksburg, weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. For land use matters, copies of applications and all related items may also be found online at
www.blacksburg.gov/publichearings or reviewed in person at the Blacksburg Planning and
Building Department, 400 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia. Individuals with disabilities
who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lorraine
Spaulding, Town Clerk at (540) 443-1025 or 443-1000 (voice or TDD).