Lori Graham
Contributing Writer
MONTGOMERY CO. – Following the MCPS Board work session on Feb. 21, a proposed budget has been released to the public.
The 2024-25 proposed operating budget includes a 9.32% increase over the previous year’s budget, increasing from $134,940.673 to $147,512.978.
These costs include expenditures for instruction, administrative costs, transportation, operations and maintenance, non-instructional, and other uses of funds unspecified.
This proposal considers an expected state contribution of approximately $5.5 million dollars, along with local and federal revenues as well.
Social worker services would see a 5.41% increase, along with other increases of material expenses across the board, including a 5% inflation increase for instructional materials. In addition to instructional roles, many other positions will see a 5% increase, such as part-time instructional teachers for homebound students, substitute teachers, executive administrative assistant, assistant superintendent, coordinator of communications, specialists in fiscal services, purchasing, the addition of a nurse position, psychological services, speech and audiology, and other support services in the county.
Four buses are proposed to be purchased at an approximate total cost of $572,589.
The Office of the Principal is proposing a 6.13% increase overall with a 5% raise for those positions and the addition of a Dean of Students position with a salary of $67,683.
The construction of Christiansburg High School, along with some other projects in the county, are paid for with separate funds and not a part of the operating budget.
The full proposed 2024-25 operating budget can be viewed at the mcps.org website in the Board Documents section.
MCPS has also released the school calendar for the 2024-25 year. For the full calendar, go to the mcps.org website.