The Alpha Mu Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority of Christiansburg has named Sharon Legg their Woman of The Year for 2023-24.
To be chosen as Chapter Woman of the Year is one of the greatest honors a chapter pays to members. Legg participates in all chapter areas, has a special fondness for the service projects, and loyally represents the chapter for donation opportunities. She has contributed to planning specific service projects and is known for hosting fun socials.
Legg pledged to Beta Sigma Phi’s Alpha Pi Chapter in December of 1982 while residing in Covington, Virginia and has served in various offices and committees through the years. She currently is serving as Recording Secretary for Alpha Mu Master, a position she has championed for a number of years. She has previously been honored as Valentine Queen, and has received the Order of The Rose, the Silver Circle Ritual and the Torchbearer Ritual.
Legg is retired from Virginia Tech and resides in Christiansburg with her husband, Jimmy. They have two children and one grandson.
The presentation took place at the Beta Sigma Phi Founder’s Day Banquet, hosted by Radford’s Xi Tau Chapter in Fairlawn, on April 27. The presentation was made by last year’s recipient Phyllis Durham. Legg received an engraved trophy and a Woman of the Year charm to commemorate this honor.
Beta Sigma Phi