Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Town of Blacksburg will conduct the following public hearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, during its meeting beginning at 6:30 PM in the Roger E. Hedgepeth Council Chamber, 300 South Main St, Blacksburg, VA on the following item:
CUP-24-4-Conditional Use Permit request to permit lighting at a Public Park or Field at 2100 Toms Creek Road on behalf of the Town of Blacksburg.
Section 5601(d) of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance limits the height of light poles in residential areas to 20 feet.
Section 4320 permits field lighting in public parks and recreation areas with a conditional use permit.
The proposal is to replace six (6) 53-foot light poles with six (6) 60-foot light poles at the Toms Creek Park and athletic field.
The applicant is also requesting a modification to Section 4320(b)(2) of the Blacksburg Zoning Ordinance to not require evergreen tree screening along Toms Creek Road.
Ordinance #2070-An Ordinance to Amend Town Code Section 5-701 of the Subdivision Ordinance pertaining to Construction and Design of Sanitary Sewer.
The proposed revisions are: Addition of a reference to the Town Sanitary Sewer Specifications in Section 5-701(a). This change, along with an update to the sewer specifications, will permit the usage of basement pumps by-right and not require a subdivision variance;
Addition of language in Section 5-701(b) to clarify that STEG (Septic Tank Effluent Gravity) or STEP (Septic Tank Effluent Pumping) systems must be used with a development application for a subdivision with multiple homes and is not intended for individually developed homes;
Removing references in Section 5-701(b) to the former definitions of a minor and major subdivision.
Persons affected by or interested in the conditional use permit request or ordinance amendment may appear and present their views. After the hearing, the Planning Commission may take action. Copies of the applications, staff report and all related items may be found online at www.blacksburg.gov/publichearings or reviewed in person at the Blacksburg Planning and Building Department, 400 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia. You may also call the office at (540) 443-1300 for more information. Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in the public hearing on the above should contact the Planning & Building Department at (540) 443-1300, or (540)-443-1000-TDD.