Grant Robertson named to Mississippi State University’s fall 2024 President’s List
Grant Robertson, of Blacksburg, VA, was named to the Mississippi State University fall 2024 President’s List. Robertson is among 4,569 students who have attained this honor. Students on the President’s List achieved a 3.80 or better grade-point average, based on a 4.0 scale, while completing at least 12 semester hours of coursework with no incomplete grades or grades lower than a C.
Cheryl Kelley earns degree from University of Maryland Global Campus
Cheryl Kelley of Christiansburg, earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from University of Maryland Global Campus in fall 2024. Kelley was one of nearly 5,900 students worldwide who earned degrees from UMGC in the fall 2024 term.
Samantha Guynn named to Flagler College’s Fall 2024 President’s List
Samantha Guynn of Blacksburg was among a distinguished group of students who were recognized for their academic excellence. The President’s List is compiled in recognition of students achieving a high standard of academic excellence and is distributed by the Office of Academic Affairs. To qualify for this award, Guynn a biology major, had to earn at least a 4.0 GPA with at least 12 semester hours of graded credit. President John Delaney acknowledged the level of difficulty students face in qualifying for this award. Delaney said the challenge of achieving an untattered GPA requires incredibly hard work. In his ceremonial remarks, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Art Vanden Houten, congratulated Guynn and the other recipients on what he considers a remarkably hard-earned accomplishment. “It is an incredible individual accomplishment,” Vanden Houten said. “As the president appropriately noted, many of you are carrying four or five classes. Many of you are working, and many of you have leadership positions on campus… And of course, I couldn’t even begin to mention the individual stressors that you all face during the course of a semester.”
Jack Nussbaum named to the dean’s list at Tufts University
Jack Nussbaum, Class of 2027 of Blacksburg, was named to the dean’s list at Tufts University for the fall 2024 semester. Dean’s list honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater.
Freed-Hardeman University announces Fall 2024 president’s, dean’s list
Freed-Hardeman University has released the names of students who made the President’s and Dean’s Lists for the Fall 2024 semester. To be on the President’s List, a student must be full-time and have a 4.0 grade point average. Students on the Dean’s List have earned a minimum 3.4 grade point average for the semester. The following students are included on the lists: Kenna Smith, of Christiansburg, a senior, is on the president’s list; and Natalie Smith, of Christiansburg, a sophomore, is on the dean’s list.
Xiaohan Ma receives degree from Georgia Tech
Xiaohan Ma of Blacksburg, has earned a Master of Science in Quantitative and Computational Finance from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Ma was among approximately 6,400 undergraduate and graduate students to be presented Georgia Tech degrees during the Institute’s 267th Commencement exercises Dec. 12 – 14, 2024, at McCamish Pavilion (Ph.D. and bachelor’s) and Bobby Dodd Stadium (master’s).
Cole Eastwood of Blacksburg named to fall deans’ list at Nebraska
Cole Eastwood of Blacksburg has been named to the Deans’ List at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the fall semester of the 2024-25 academic year. Eastwood, a junior majoring in sports media and communication, and broadcasting, was named to the Dean’s List for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Leah Keefer of Radford named to James Madison University dean’s list
Radford resident Leah Keefer has been named to the dean’s list at James Madison University for the fall 2024 semester. Students who earn dean’s list honors must carry at least 12 graded credit hours and earn a GPA of between 3.5 and 3.899. Keefer is majoring in Nursing – BSN.
Radford students named to James Madison University fall 2024 president’s list
James Madison University is pleased to announce that the following students made the president’s list for the fall 2024 semester: Jessica Craig of Radford who is majoring in Psychology – BA; Natalie Jones of Radford who is majoring in Psychology – BS; and Erin Wilson of Radford who is majoring in Theatre – BA.
Dawson Martin of Radford named to University of Alabama Fall 2024 Presidents List
Dawson Martin was named to The University of Alabama Presidents List for Fall Semester 2024. A total of 14,631 students enrolled Fall Semester 2024 at The University of Alabama were named to the dean’s list with an academic record of 3.5 (or above) or the president’s list with an academic record of 4.0 (all A’s). These driven students are making waves across UA’s more than 70 undergraduate programs and 12 colleges and schools.
James Madison University announces fall 2024 graduates
James Madison University is pleased to announce the following students who graduated during the December 2024 commencement exercises: Tristan Hall of Radford, who graduated with a degree in Nursing – BSN; Adrienne Hamlin of Christiansburg, who graduated with a degree in Elementary Education – BS; and Brian Lusk of Radford, who graduated with a degree in Counseling and Supervision.
Elliston resident graduates with honors from James Madison University
Allison Howard of Elliston graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree(s) in Elementary Education – BS from James Madison University during commencement exercises in December 2024. Howard was among more than 1,000 students who received undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Local residents named to William & Mary dean’s list
Local students were recently named to the Dean’s List at the College of William & Mary for the fall 2024 semester. In order to achieve dean’s list status, a full-time degree seeking undergraduate student must take at least 12 credit hours and earn a 3.6 Quality Point Average during the semester. William & Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Students from Blacksburg include Struan Baker, Cecilia Crawford, Laya Garza, Annika Griggs, Norah Griggs, Maegen Herring, Kyle Klemba, Megan McCarley, Allie McDonald, Grace McGehee, Luke Mertes, Annelise Rosmaita, Ella Semtner and Harrison Whitfield. Students from Radford include AJ Bucy, Lee Cox, Hunter French, Adalynn Turner and Michael Wojdak.
Iowa State University announces fall 2024 dean’s list
Tiffany Norman, of Christiansburg, pursuing a degree in Event Management, was recently named to Iowa State University dean’s list. More than 11,500 students have been recognized for outstanding academic achievement by being named to the fall semester 2024 dean’s list. Students named to the dean’s list must earn a grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4.00 scale while carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours of graded course work.
Iowa State honors fall graduates
More than 1,600 graduates received degrees from Iowa State University this fall. Graduate and undergraduate commencement ceremonies were held Dec. 20-21 at Hilton Coliseum. Of the 1,675 students who graduated in December, 1,357 earned undergraduate degrees and 318 earned masters or doctoral degrees. Local graduates include Jerilyn Jean M Calaor, Doctor of Philosophy, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEOBA), of Blacksburg; and Tiffany Norman, Bachelor of Science, Event Management, Cum Laude, of Christiansburg.
South Dakota State announces summer, fall 2024 graduation list
BROOKINGS, S.D. – South Dakota State University announces Brittany Candace Whitam of Blacksburg, Virginia, has graduated following the summer and fall 2024 semesters. Whitam graduated with a Master of Science from SDSU’s College of Education and Human Sciences. Overall, nearly 950 SDSU students from 36 states and 23 nations graduated in the summer and fall 2024 semesters.
Chandon Thomson of Christiansburg named to Berea College dean’s list
BEREA, KY. – Chandon Thomson, a resident of Christiansburg has been named to the Fall 2024 Dean’s List at Berea College. A student is named to the Dean’s List who achieves a GPA of 3.4 or higher while passing at least four total credits, a course load equivalent to 16 semester hours. Berea College, the first interracial and coeducational college in the South, focuses on learning, labor, and service. The college only admits academically promising students with limited financial resources, primarily from Kentucky and Appalachia, although students come from 46 states and 66 countries.
Laura Taylor elected to membership into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
BATON ROUGE, LA. – Laura Taylor of Christiansburg was recently elected to membership into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society, at Longwood University. Taylor is among approximately 20,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction. Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 under the leadership of undergraduate student Marcus L. Urann who had a desire to create a different kind of honor society: one that recognized excellence in all academic disciplines. Today, the Society has chapters on more than 300 campuses in the United States, its territories and the Philippines. Its mission is to “cultivate a community that celebrates and advances the love of learning.”
Hunter King named to Ohio University’s fall 2024 dean’s list
ATHENS, OH. – Ohio University Russ College of Engineering and Technology student Hunter King of Radford has been named to Ohio’s Fall 2024 dean’s list. The dean’s list recognizes undergraduate students who complete a particular semester with a GPA between 3.5 and 3.999 with a minimum of 12 credit hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate GPA.
Quinn Thompson named to Rhodes College’s Fall 2024 Honor Roll
MEMPHIS, TN. – Quinn Thompson of Blacksburg was named to Rhodes College’s Fall 2024 Honor Roll. To qualify for the Honor Roll, a student must be enrolled in at least 16 credits of academic work and achieve a semester grade point average of 3.85 or better. Those students who choose to take a course under the pass/fail option must have a minimum of 12 additional graded credits of work to be considered for this honor. Students who are enrolled in the Honors Program or independent research and receive a grade of IP for that work will have their qualifying grade point average determined on all other graded work.