Contributing Writer
CHRISTIANSBURG – The Christiansburg Town Council voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance to execute a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) with Sun Tribe Solar, LLC.
The purchase agreement will provide for “the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of roof-mount solar photovoltaic systems at the Recreation Center and at the Aquatic Center,” according to the Town Council agenda listed on the website.
The Recreation Center and Aquatic Center are currently at a rate of 9.16 cent per kilowatt hour, according to Wayne Nelson, Special Projects Coordinator who presented at the council meeting. The current electricity provider is American Electric Power which has historically had a 15-year average increase of 3.9%. This information presented at the town council meeting also showed a total carbon emissions avoidance amount of 11,480 tons.
Two options were considered by council members, one with greater savings early on but with a 2.5% escalation rate over 25 years, and the second option carrying a 0% escalation rate over 25 years.
“A savings total of 1.73 million versus 1.39 million…once they get the system in place, they’re going to be testing the system, and do a, once they have actual design, see what type of power they are generating,” Nelson said. “In the year 25…we’ll still be paying the same rate if you chose 0% escalator.”
Council member Tim Wilson made the first motion to approve the PPA at 0%.
“This has been two years in the making,” Wilson said. “We’ve been working on this and a couple of guys from our sustainability committee that started this project are here and so I just wanted to publicly say thank you for all of you being part of the committee and making the town better.”