Angelica Ramos
Contributing Writer
BLACKSBURG- Blacksburg Books hosted a Book Swap at the May 8, 2024 Blacksburg Farmers Market in support of the Virginia Tech Prison Book Project.
May 8, 2024 was the second annual Book Swap Event at the Blacksburg Farmers Market with Blacksburg Books. Blacksburg Books chooses an organization to donate their proceeds to every year. This year they chose to support the Virginia Tech Prison Book Project, an organization they are passionate about and work with often.
“We chose the VT Prison Book Project because it’s a cause that we feel passionate about,” Ellen Woodall from Blacksburg Books said. “Providing books to people incarcerated in area prisons provides companionship, knowledge, skills, and a positive activity when behind bars. We believe everyone has a right to improve themselves, and that books are a direct path to that. We work with the prison project on a regular basis – we always have a shelf of prisoner requests set up in the store so that customers can select a book to purchase and donate. We’ve gotten hundreds of books to incarcerated people in Appalachia and we’re extremely proud of that.”
The Book Swap is an event where community members are encouraged to bring a book and take a book from the table; swap and trade. It is completely free to swap books, but Blacksburg Books does accept donations. If a resident did not bring a book to swap, they are encouraged to donate any amount they like, via cash of Venmo, and take a book home with them. Donating is optional.
Each annual Book Swap has a theme. This year’s theme was Gardening and Farming, so when residents perused the tables, every book fell into those categories, from books on Bonsais and their history to how to make your home garden produce a fuller harvest to specific plants’ histories and genealogies.
“We try to host events that have a broad appeal,” Woodall said, “For example, with the book swap we had books about creating a homestead, vegetable gardening, and landscaping, but also container gardening, cooking with fresh ingredients, and caring for houseplants – so whether you live on a farm or in a dorm, there’s something for you. And we make sure that all of our events are free and open to everybody!”
Community members had a variety of literature to choose from at this event. With residents swapping books, there were books from many genres and topics, including Astronomy and Art.
“We plan to continue it [The Book Swap] for as many years as we’re around,” Woodall said, “I think the most interesting thing is seeing the delight that people take in finding the perfect book for them among the books that other people have donated or swapped out. The idea that someone can enjoy a book and then pass it along to someone else is the most delightful form of recycling. I love to see books circulating through the community, giving knowledge and then being passed on.”
Blacksburg Books is a staple in the community and tries to host events throughout the year that not only support their community but bring new faces into Blacksburg. Blacksburg Books tries to host events on a weekly basis from having authors speak and read, to having Open Mic Nights and other events for residents to enjoy.
“Our goal since the beginning was to be IN Blacksburg and FOR Blacksburg, so we try to engage with other businesses and organizations as much as possible,” Woodall said, “Blacksburg always has really great stuff going on – cool shops, great charities, unique experiences – and if we can support those or call attention to them, then that’s something we definitely want to do.”