Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 & 15.2-2285 of the Code of Virginia of 1950,
as amended, the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors hereby gives notice of a public
hearing to be held on August 26, 2024 at 7:15 p.m. in the County Government Center, 755
Roanoke St., Christiansburg, Virginia, in order to hear citizen comments regarding the Board of Supervisor’s intention to act on the following requests:
A request by RWW36, LLC and RWW34, LLC (Agent: Balzer & Associates) to
revise the proffered conditions approved previously as part of the rezoning of 9.035 acres located at the intersection of Tyler Road (US Route 177) and Meadow Creek Road (State Route 658) from Agricultural (A-1) to General
Business (GB), originally approved by the Board of Supervisors on September
14, 2009. The revised proffer amendments update the proposed master plan
for the development of the site to allow construction of a general store,
convenience store with motor fuel sales, and an attached restaurant with drive-through. The revised amendments to the proffered conditions also include proposed conditions related to public water and sewer, entrance improvements,
architectural design and standards, and excludes the development of certain
other by-right uses permitted in the General Business (GB) Zoning District. The property is located at the intersection of Tyler Road (US Route 177) and Meadow
Creek Road (State Route 658), identified as Tax Parcel No(s). 104-4-47 and 104- A 27A-B (Parcel ID Numbers 002244, 008938, and 008939), in the Riner
Magisterial District. The property is currently zoned General Business (GB) and
lies in an area designated as Urban Expansion in the Comprehensive Plan and
Planned Commercial in the Route 177 Corridor Plan.
Copies of the proposed plans, applications, ordinances or amendments may be examined at
the Department of Planning and GIS Services, County Government Center, 755 Roanoke St., Suite 2A, Christiansburg, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00
p.m. or at http://www.montgomerycountyva.gov/pendingapplications.