Angelica Ramos
Contributing Writer
MONTGOMERY COUNTY- Mark McGruder, Montgomery County’s budget director, addressed the Board of Supervisors regarding the tax relief program for Montgomery County’s elderly and disabled population at the BOS Monday, Aug. 26 meeting.
Currently, as McGruder’s presentation stated, the tax relief program for the elderly and disabled for Montgomery County begins at age 65 or older or if someone is permanently or totally disabled. Veterans who are permanently disabled 100% due to service receive 100% exemption from taxation regardless of income or net worth limitations.
Currently, the tax relief program takes into account social security increases, annual income and net worth limitations to decide at which rate one is eligible for tax relief. Montgomery County looks at the surrounding counties in terms of their tax relief and compares to see if there are things Montgomery County can adjust that work for other municipalities.
The purpose of McGruder’s presentation, he explained, was to show and explain the numbers and what they look for in terms of budgeting and calculating tax relief, then the Board of Supervisors are open to discuss any changes they may want to make. After consensus from the Board of Supervisors is gained, the changes will be sent to the towns and the towns would then consider those changes. After that, an ordinance would be drafted, then offered for review in public hearing, then it would be voted on. McGruder’s proposed timeline for this is for the vote to occur during the Board of Supervisors meeting Oct. 15, 2024.