Pursuant to the Virginia Voluntary Remediation Regulations, Virginia Administrative Code
section 9VAC20-160-120,
the Town of Blacksburg (the Owner at 300 South Main Street,
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060) hereby provides notice of voluntary remediation at the following
Former Cooks Clean Center
414 North Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
VRP Number VRP00697.
Site investigation studies indicated elevated levels of dry cleaning solvents in soil and groundwater with confirmed vapor impacts to the subsurface and vapor intrusion potential within
the building. Remediation efforts consisted of installation of an interim sub-slab vapor recovery
system, monitoring adjoining properties, and sampling both groundwater and soil vapor for
several years. Quantitative risk assessments determined that there were risks to human health and
the environment requiring engineering and administrative controls to be placed upon the
property. These efforts are documented and summarized in a report submitted to DEQ under the
VRP entitled Voluntary Remediation Program Report VRP Site # 00697 (EEE Consulting, Inc.,
June 2019) and subsequent revisions submitted in December 2019 and August 2024. Therefore,
the Owner is requesting a Certification of Satisfactory Completion of Remediation (Certificate) from DEQ through VRP. To protect human health and the environment, the Certificate will include deed restrictions 1) prohibiting groundwater use within the limits of the VRP site for any
purpose other than environmental monitoring, 2) requiring sub-slab depressurization and air
exchange within any building on the property, and 3) residential use restrictions and/or
maintenance of an engineered barrier of two feet of clean fill, concrete, asphalt, or porous
pavement. These institutional controls will remain in effect and run with the land. Anyone
requesting further information or proposing any comments may call or write to Wetland Studies
and Solutions, Inc., Attn: Jeffrey A. Fisher, QEP. Tel: 540-953-0170. Email:
jfisher@wetlands.com. Written comments will be received for 30 days following publication of
this public notice.