Angelica Ramos
Contributing Writer
BLACKSBURG- During the Nov. 12, 2024 town council meeting, residents and parents spoke to the council regarding the condition of Blacksburg’s recreational facilities.
Recreation is a large focus in Montgomery County, especially in Christiansburg and Blacksburg where the larger and in some cases, newer, recreational facilities are located. Parents, coaches and other residents are concerned with the quality of Blacksburg’s recreational facilities as it pertains to youth sports. Many residents spoke during the citizen’s comments portion of the meeting to ask the council what can be done to help improve the conditions of these facilities so the children who benefit from these recreational sports and activities may continue to thrive and grow in these programs.
“The field condition for my son’s baseball team,” Matt Wright, father of three, said, “at his end of year celebration was on a field behind the [Christiansburg] Aquatic Center. It was lit. It was well maintained. There’s a sign reserving it. Everybody had a great time. That should be the standard and not the exception. If you were to reference the 2008 to 28 Parks and Recreation master plan, it lists several objectives under the athletic programs. My question is, what is the accountability of these objectives? If that accountability is the reality of our situation, then we are not meeting these objectives as a community. Why and what can we do? I was asked to bring a specific point by one coach and parent, he’s also a business owner, and part of that his objectives are partnerships through the town and sponsorship; he’s never been asked “do we have a department that goes out to that community outreach?” Also, in this master plan is a chart that shows the percentage of citizens by age those 18 and under are by far the lowest percentage; that does not mean we should be leaving them behind. A phrase you may hear more than once is “children are protected class.” I believe your socioeconomic status should not determine your ability to participate in town programs and the sports. Unfortunately, I think that we’re often experiencing that in our town, so I respectfully ask members of this council, can you help?”
Like Wright, other parents and coaches spoke to the issue explaining that some fields aren’t level which could cause injury, others have poor drainage which causes postponed games due to weather, and how the facilities for parents to watch are inadequate and uncomfortable in some places. Kipps Field was a facility mentioned by many of those who spoke in terms of lack of maintenance and lighting. The concerns are safety and the health of the children using these fields and facilities. The parents and coaches who addressed their concerns to the town all expressed a want to help and be a part of these positive changes for youth sports in partnership with the town.