BLACKSBURG TOWN COUNCIL will hold public hearings on Tuesday,
February 11, 2025
beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Roger E. Hedgepeth Chambers of the Blacksburg Municipal
Building, 300 South Main Street, Blacksburg, regarding the following items:
Ordinance 2062: An Ordinance Rezoning 2.80± Acres of Land at 801 North Main Street, 800 Block of Kabrich Street, 100 Block of Winston Avenue and 900 Block of Progress Street from General Commercial and R-5 Transitional Residential District to Planned Residential District Zoning.
The proposed ordinance would allow a rezoning request from General Commercial (GC) and
Transitional Residential (R-5) to Planned Residential (PR), and would permit the construction of
an 8-story multifamily building with commercial on the ground floor, and townhome-style
multifamily units, with up to 759 bedrooms.
Ordinance 2063: An Ordinance Vacating +/- 2,000 square feet of Town-owned Alley Right-of-way between the 800-block of Kabrich Street and the 900-block of Progress Street NW.
The proposed ordinance would authorize the companion Right-of-Way Vacation request to
vacate a town-owned alley of approximately 2,000 square feet, as related to Ordinance 2062.
Conditional Use Permit Request to Use an Alley for Non-Single-Unit Residential Dwellings
between the 900-block of Kabrich Street and the 900-block of Progress Street NW.
The Conditional Use request is a companion to Ordinances 2062 and 2063 which would allow
use of the alley between the 900-block of Kabrich Street and the 900-block of Progress Street NW to access to twenty-two (22) townhomes.
Ordinance 2072: An Ordinance Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter into a Regional Tourism Agreement.
The proposed ordinance would authorize the Town Manager to enter into a cooperative agreement with Montgomery County and the Town of Christiansburg for the creation and
administration of a joint tourism program.
Ordinance 2074: An Ordinance Authorizing the Acceptance of Real Property Located at
2700 Meadowbrook Drive and the Subsequent Lease of the Property.
As part of a 2003 agreement, the Friends of the Huckleberry, Inc., (“Friends”) purchased
property on Meadowbrook Drive near the Jefferson National Forest, and as part of that agreement’s agreement, the Friends to convey an adjoining parcel (5.499 acre) at 2700 Meadowbrook Drive
to the Town after Friends paid off the deed of trust on this parcel. Friends has now paid the deed trust in full, so it can convey the 5.499 acre parcel to the Town, but has requested that the Town
lease the 5.499 acre property back to the Friends, for five years, so that Friends may sub-lease
the single family home on the property to generate funds for the further advancement of public
trails in Blacksburg.
All persons affected by or interested in the proposed items above may appear and present their views. After each public hearing, Town Council will consider action on the item. Copies of materials related to the above items are on file and can be obtained in the Office of the Town Clerk, 300 South Main Street, Blacksburg, weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. For land use matters, copies of applications and all related items may also be found online at or reviewed in person at the Blacksburg Planning and Building Department, 400 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia. Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lorraine Spaulding,
Town Clerk at
(540) 443-1025 or 443-1000 (voice or TDD).