RADFORD – The City of Radford implemented the final stages of water system operation changes in the east end of the city last week that could positively impact development by increasing water capacity.
“Water distribution system improvements made over the [past] two years include construction of a new storage tank, new water mains, and the upgrade of a major pump station,” reads a statement by the City of Radford. “City water department staff will make changes in water system operations to fully bring the improvements into use.”
“System changes will reduce the transmission time water travels to the customer once it leaves the treatment plant and improve reliability within the distribution system,” the statement continues. “Customers in certain areas may experience increases in water pressure depending on their location in the distribution system.”
The affected customers were sent a letter in early November notifying them of the possible increase in water pressure. Any questions can be directed to Jim Hurt, City Engineer, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., by telephone at 540-731-3604 or by e-mail at hurtjh@radford.va.us.