Dear Editor,
I sent this email because I’m so disappointed that the focus of the entire political scene is continuing to “beat up” on the current President and it seems we so quickly forget about the failings and shortcomings of previous administrations. None of us are perfect, for sure, but in my opinion there are far more pressing and important issues facing our country and things that desperately need fixing, such as our ever ballooning deficit in the federal budget for one. Why can’t we focus on these things and stop the petty bickering between both parties and work together?
For two and one half years we have had to endure all the false claims and possible crimes that Donald Trump has “supposedly” either committed or had implications with.
For the same period the taxpayers have had to foot the bill for a completely biased assembly of lawyers investigating and investigating and even after Congressional hearings, no charges were issued.
What do I think? I think we should be more concerned about a Congress with two parties that have sat on their hands for years and with little to nothing to show for the money the taxpayers have paid for the pitiful results than to continue to hammer a man that was duly and legally elected President and has done more to jumpstart the incredible economy of the United States than anyone in recent history, maybe even as far back as Ronald Reagan.
I’m not an expert on legal matters by no means and I may not understand all the workings the Congress, but in this country it used to be you were innocent “until” proven guilty. But with President Trump everyone is continuing to say he’s guilty of this and that, but, once again, if he’s guilty then where are the charges? What do I think? I say, get over it and, instead, insist that our representatives go back to earning their money.
I usually refrain from getting into these opinions, but as an individual, I’m really tired of all the bickering and seeing how apparently broken the system is and I know as citizens we can do better.
W.P. Turpin