RADFORD — The Radford Christmas Parade will have 44 entries and is scheduled to step off at 4 p.m. Saturday. This year’s theme is “Christmas in the Highlands,” and the parade grand marshal will be the Highlander mascot from Radford University.
The parade route will begin at East Main Street at Radford University and head west to Central Square Shopping Center (Sal’s) parking lot on West Main Street.
Parade entries will again line up in the East Main Street and University Drive bridge vicinity. Parade entries may enter the lineup area from 3 to 3:45 p.m. and must be ready to step off promptly at 4 p.m.
Here is the parade order (designated slot numbers for lineup follow each entry):
- Police and Sherrif, 1
- RU ROTC Color Guard, 2
- Grand Marshal – RU Highlander, 3
- RU Pipes and Drums, 4-5
- Radford City Mayor and City Council Car, 6
- Gethsemane Baptist Church, 7-9
- Radford VFW Post 776 and Ladies Auxiliary , 10-12
- Harvey Howe Carper Post 30, 13-15
- NRVCC – James Peters, 16-17
10. Girl Scouts Troop 877, 18-21
11. Radford Racing, 22
12. West End Animal Clinic/Radford Humane Society, 23-25
13. First Baptist Church (Rock Road), 26-29
14. Girl Scouts-Brownie Troop 80; Junior Troop 1075, 30
15. Cooney Family, 31-33
16. Randy Cox Antique Car, 34
17. Boy Scout Troop 46, 35-37
18. Radford City Schools, 38-40
19. Radford HS FFA, 41-42
20. JES Enterprises, LLC, 43-46
21. Pulaski Dance Productions, 47-48
22. Town and Country Veterinary Clinic, 49
23. First Apostolic Church of Radford, 50-52
24. Cub Scouts Pack 244, 53-54
25. New River Valley Antique Tractor Association, 55
26. Radford HS Marching Band, 56-59
27. Radford Transit, 60-61
28. Morgan Griffith for Congress, 62
29. Kazim Shriners Beach Bums, 63-66
30. Shiro Tora Martial Arts, 67
31. Radford Worship Center, 68-70
32. Pulaski Health and Rehab Center, 71-72
33. Bit and Bee Produce, 73
34. Christiansburg Aquatic Center, 74
35. Cumulus Media, 75-77
36. Radford Fire and Rescue, 78-82
37. Santa Claus, 83-84
38. Kiwanis Club of Radford Elf Car, 85
39. Walnut Hollow Farm, 86
40. Kazimir Farm, 87
41. Winter Frost Farm, 88-90
42. Southwest Virginia Natural Horsemanship Club, 91
43. Radford Police Tail Vehicle, 92
44. Radford City Public Works, 93
In case of bad weather, the parade will be postponed to 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13. A decision to move the parade will be made by 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, and entries will be notified by email or phone.
The Radford Christmas parade is co-sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Radford and the Radford Chamber of Commerce. For more information, call 230-5570.
Christmas tree
Lighting Wednesday
Radford Public Library, 30 W. Main St.
6-7 p.m.: Pictures with Santa
7-7:30: RHS Choir and Hand Bell Choir
7:30-8: Tree lighting and sing-along on the back lawn