Photos courtesy of Christiansburg Recreation Department
The biggest fish of the day was caught by Alexis Allen (right), 2.34 pounds. Also pictured is Nick Yopp, the event’s organizer.The Christiansburg Recreation Department held its annual youth fishing rodeo at the Izaac Walton League’s property near Denhill Road just outside of the town. Pictured are the winners: (from left) front row, ages 4-6: first place- Elizabeth Allen with 2.9 total pounds caught, Lincoln Bossard second at 2.68 pounds and Xavier Kirby third with 2.52 pounds; second row, ages 7-9: Alexis Allen first place with four pounds, Carroll Yonker second at 3.18 pounds, tie for third Brantley Combs and Reece Hubble with 2.72; back row, ages 10-12: Drake Reynolds first with 2.94 pounds, Nathaniel Oliver second with 2.82 and Hanna Allen third with 2.68 pounds.Cabela Martin was one of 67 participants at Saturday’s Izaac Walton event. This is the second year, the trout rodeo has honored the late Tony Huddleston.Not to be missed, the event also gave an award for the smallest fish caught by a youngster. Joseph Otey (right) received that honor with a fish of .42 pounds. Also pictured is Nick Yopp, the event’s organizer.