In its twenty-sixth year, The Christiansburg Lions Club is holding its annual Holiday Craft Show on Saturday, Dec. 2 at the Christiansburg Recreation Center.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for folks to do some early Christmas shopping and to get in the holiday mood!” Lion Doug Kanney, a member of the Christiansburg Lions Club said in a press release.
“We are grateful to be a part of this community, the New River Valley, and to be of help to those in need,” he said.
The funds raised by participating in the Lions’ Holiday Craft Show support multiple community service projects, including eye glasses for people who cannot afford them.
“We provide as many as 125 pair of glasses each year to persons of all ages, children, youth and adults, mostly low income families and as you might imagine, a large number of the recipients are children and youth!” Kanney said.
Glasses cost around $100 per pair.
The Centers for Disease Control says that vision disability is the single most prevalent disabling condition among children. Eye health is a central mandate for Lions Clubs.
In the autumn, in 18 Montgomery County schools, the three Lions Clubs of Blacksburg and Christiansburg provide free vision screening to children in Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Riner, Shawsville, Elliston and Falling Branch.
“We sign up for the various locations and usually there are six or more Lions, men and women, who are a part of each team for screening,” Kanney said.
The Lions Club also sponsors Boys and Girls’’ state representatives from local high schools, the Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program, and local rescue squads and fire departments.
Together, Christiansburg Lions Club Craft Show and annual golf tournament generates $20,000 to $25,000 each year to support these local projects and benevolences.
“We are excited to be such an important part of our community, the New River Valley, and also to be a part of Lions International, which serves in over 200 countries around the world, with over two and a half million Lions Club members,” he said.
Because Lions Club members provide their own dues, meals, and other individual expenses, all funds raised are directed to local, state, national, and world Lions Club projects.
“We are proud of what our Lions Clubs around the world do for help others, for our motto is “We Serve!’” Kanney wrote in a press release.
“Without our sponsors, the crafters, and certainly our Craft Show shoppers we could not have a successful and enjoyable time! We are grateful for each and every one of those who help us from year to year and especially on each Saturday’s Craft Show!” Mr. Kanney wrote.