The Mount Tabor Ruritan Club will serve scratch-made biscuits topped with sausage gravy, or with the latest batch of our “world-famous” apple butter on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 7:30 to 10 a.m.
The Blacksburg-based community service organization will also have scrambled eggs, and beverages will include orange juice, milk and coffee.
The Veteran’s Day fundraiser breakfast will accept donations, but they invite veterans to be their guests.
Breakfast will be served in the Fellowship Hall of Slusser’s Chapel, 1543 Mount Tabor Rd, Blacksburg.
The Fellowship Hall is below the sanctuary, on the lower church parking lot level.
This is the second of three Mt. Tabor Ruritan breakfasts.
“We will skip December, but plan to start again on the second Saturdays of January through April, then do our fish-fries May to September!” club public relations chairman, Gavin Faulkner, said.
Slussers Chapel is on Mt Tabor Rd. less than half a mile from the town limits.
The Mt. Tabor Ruritan Club meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall of Slussers Chapel on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm for a home-cooked dinner, speaker, and business meeting.
In December they have a catered Christmas dinner in town.
“Our membership is made up of folks from both the county amd the town,” Faulkner said.
For more information, see the MtTaborRuritan Facebook page
–Liz Kirchner