RADFORD – Localities across the New River Valley hosted the eighth regional New River clean-up event “Fall into the New” on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023, at various locations throughout the region, including Radford, and the New River Valley Regional Commission is announcing the results of the effort.
“The regional event builds off the success of award-winning clean-up events championed for the last two decades by a Giles County-based community group, ReNew the New,” NRVRC announced. “Citizens across the New River Valley and beyond came out in droves to volunteer their time to ensure the namesake of the region is healthy and clean.”
NRVRC reports the regional ReNew the New Clean-up events have made “an incredible impact on
the watershed” since they began in 2016.
“To date, over 3,000 people have removed more than 45 tons of trash and 1,500 tires from 64 miles of the New River.”
“This year’s ReNew event was definitely one of the absolute best in the event’s 23-year history,” said Chris McKlarney, Giles County Administrator. “With the expansion into WV, our dream of consistent, organized cleanup efforts, along with equipping the next generation to take care of this river that we all love, is becoming a reality. We are very appreciative of the New River Conservancy, the WV Department of Environmental Protection, The National Park Service, The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Concord University, and the Town of Hinton, for their support of the expansion efforts. As we have learned over the years, it takes a community to pull this off.”
The ReNew the New team says it is “looking forward to future participation across the watershed.”
The success of these events comes in large part from active support of public and private partnerships across the region,” announced NRVRC. “Representatives from local governments, local businesses,
advocacy groups, student organizations, and citizens meet quarterly as part of the New River Watershed Roundtable. The Roundtable helps to coordinate and plan for these events, along with discussion and coordination of other regional watershed priorities and initiatives. The public is always welcome to attend Watershed Roundtable meetings to become more engaged in the region’s water quality.”
Radford News Journal staff report