New River Community College Professor of English Megan Doney recently won the Washington Writers’ Publishing House Nonfiction Award for her memoir “Exit Wounds.”
Washington Writers’ Publishing House (WWPH) sponsors three annual fiction, poetry, and nonfiction manuscript contests for writers living in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Doney submitted the manuscript for her memoir, “Exit Wounds,” and won the competition’s nonfiction category award of $1,500. In addition, WWPH will publish Doney’s memoir, for which she will receive editorial and launch support.
“Exit Wounds” will be published by WWPH on Oct. 8, 2024.
Doney has taught composition, literature, and creative writing at NRCC since 2008. Her work has been published in “Ilanot Review,” “New Limestone Review,” “Rappahannock Review,” “Creative Nonfiction,” “Earth &Altar,” and “Inside Higher Ed,” as well as in the anthologies “Allegheny” and “If I Don’t Make It, I Love You: Survivors in the Aftermath of School Shootings.”
Doney earned an MFA from Lesley University.
Kyle Scarrette, NRCC Public Relations & Marketing intern