Lori Graham
Contributing Writers
Auburn Middle School (AMS) and Christiansburg Middle School (CMS) students, with the help of the Christiansburg Police Department and many volunteers, recently built 40 beds that will provide a comfortable place to sleep for children in the New River Valley.
Montgomery County Public Schools Coordinator of Communications & Public Relations Andrew Webb says the bed build event was a partnership between CMS and AMS and the Christiansburg Police Department.

“I think last year was the first year and this was a growth and continuation of that,” Webb said. “A lot of the police department worked the heavy machinery and donated a lot of sheets, pillows, and those types of things for the beds.”
Altogether, the funds raised totaled $11,640, with $10,000 of the money necessary to provide materials for the one-day build coming from the Duncan Foundation. Each bed costs $250 to build, which includes all the necessary wood materials, hardware, bedding and a pillow in children’s décor.
Webb said that it was a long workday, starting at 8:30 a.m. with construction completed approximately 12 hours later. The students and other volunteers were organized into an assembly line of production creating a flurry of ongoing activity.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a 100% volunteer organization with affiliates across the United States.
“We’re a group of volunteers dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need,” according to their website at https://shpbeds.org/chapter/va-new-river-valley/.
The organization continues to see growth in the New River Valley as well. Chapter President Paul Mele can be contacted at paul.mele@shpbeds.org if an individual or group would like to participate in a build. There are many ways to help though through one-time or monthly donations of money or providing bedding needs. Mele or the website can provide specific details on the types of bedding that are preferred for the children’s beds.
For the CMS and AMS students, registration for the build was established through Paul Mele, with SHP, through a link. Volunteers used the link to sign up and parents were able to sign up for students and complete the required waiver, Webb said.
Additional pictures from this build and others can be found on the NRV Sleep in Heavenly Peace Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SHPNewRiver.