Following a very successful Brunswick Stew sale, the Kiwanis Club of Montgomery County-Blacksburg is hosting its 22nd Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday June 1 at Auburn Hills Country Club, Riner.
To support its signature fundraiser, the club is looking for players and teams as well as sponsors.
The hole sponsorship levels are as follows: $100 – Single hole sponsor; $200 – nine-hole sponsor; $300 – 18-hole sponsor; $500 or greater- Event Sponsor. The higher the sponsorship level the more visibility / publicity for your business.
The tournament starts with a 9 a.m. tee-off with a shotgun start and consists of four person Captain’s Choice. The cost is $100 per player and $400 per team and lunch and prizes are provided.
For player registration forms or further details on how you can support/sponsor this event, please contact Miranda Layne at 540-392-0657 or mlayne@moog.com. Sponsors should provide sponsor name, dollar level, and details/artwork for signage and publications.
Team captains should submit player names, addresses, phone number and email addresses to Missy Wickline at mwickline@moog.com.
The club appreciates the support shown by event and multi hole sponsors for the 2023 tournament including: MOOG, Green Valley Builders, Poly Scientific Employees Federal Credit Union, Smart Yards, McCoy Funeral Home, InMotion, and Edward Jones- Trevor Gray and Meghan Kuczmarski. Single hole sponsors were Blacksburg True Value Hardware, Brown Insurance, State Farm Chris Turman, National Bank of Blacksburg, Clinton’s Transfer & Storage, Electrical Supply, Macados, East Main Rides, Shear Artistry, Budget Blinds, M & M Tire & Auto, Mike Eggleston with Coldwell Banker Townside Realtors, and several anonymous donors.
Money raised from the golf tournament is used for service activities including food pantries and classroom support for pre-k students at two schools, ID kits for newborn and young children, books for pre-schoolers in 10 classes, Social Services child abuse and foster care, Montgomery County Christmas Store, BSA Scouting, Boys & Girls State, Boys & Girls Club, Salvation Army, Micah’s Backpack, NRV Cares, MCEAP, Montgomery Public Schools, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Luggage of Love, Women’s Resource Center and the NRCC ACCE program.
We greatly appreciate any support to help Kiwanis improve the world one child one community at a time.
Jerry Jones
Treasurer & PR Chair
Kiwanis Club of Montgomery County-Blacksburg