Twelve Virginia Tech women students were recognized as scholarship recipients at the recent Virginia Tech Women’s Club (VTWC) spring luncheon at Blacksburg Country Club.

The students awarded scholarships were Shelby Bellows, Dairy Science and Agribusiness; Madison Blake,Animal & Poultry Sciences; Ainsley Brewer,Geosciences; Krista Anne Carlton, Animal Poultry & Sciences; Sai Ashraya Chegu, Environmental Engineering; Ainsley Duff, Management/EIT; Elizabeth Marie Eroshenko, Environmental Science; Ella Fitzgerald, Biological Sciences; Suin Kim, Graphic Design; Lacey Ngo, Biomedical Engineering; Megan Phan, Materials Science Engineering; and Hargalbeen Rai, Biological Sciences.
One of the four central missions of VTWC is to provide scholarships, and this year, 12 women shared $32,000 in scholarships. VTWC awarded its first scholarship in 1965.

In 1972, the members raised funds through cookbook sales and launched its official, more expansive, scholarship program. The first scholarship of $500 went to a home economics major. VTWC now is the second largest contributor to the New River Valley Community Foundation. Every year the Ways and Means Committee of VTWC sets a goal and raises money to provide scholarships at the end of the year. This year the goal was $25,000 but $32,000 was raised! The Ways and Means Committee stated that 40% of the money came from individual donations made by the 225 VTWC members. Ways and Means plans fun activities to raise money through raffles and silent auctions at luncheons and events. Over the years, the VTWC has donated over $270,000 to scholarships to women students. The club is very proud of the impact it has had on the education of women at VT.
At the luncheon, Shelby Bellows, Ainsley Brewer, Krista Carlton, Ashraya Chegu, Ella Fitzgerald, and Megan Phan shared their backgrounds and the educational goals. It was truly inspiring to listen to these young women as they prepare to follow interesting careers. To honor VTWC’s outgoing president and to continue raising money for scholarships, Judy Trimble presented Sue Bentley with a check in her name to the Scholarship Fund, thanking her for her leadership.
If you are interested in learning more about the VTWC, please go to the website at https:// www.virginiatechwomensclub.org. The 2024-2025 year has started, and annual dues are only $25. Not only does the club raise money for scholarships, but it is also a social group with many, varied interest groups and activities. The members engage in numerous service projects which address food insecurity at Virginia Tech and needs of children in our community. You can become involved in everything from canoeing to wine tasting, enjoy meeting interesting, women who are an active part of our community, and engage in stimulating learning experience.
For more information, contact Terri Lynn Howard at howardtl@comcast.net.
Terri Lynn Howard, VTWC