Notice of Public Hearing to Increase
Wholesale Water Rates
Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-5136(G), the NRV Regional Water
Authority will conduct a public hearing to be held on February 26th at 11:00
a.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Conference Room at the NRV
Regional Water Authority Administration Building, 155 Walton Road, Radford,
Virginia 24141 to receive citizen comments on the proposed wholesale water
rates (per 1,000 gallons) for scal years (“FY”) 2026 and 2027 as follows: FY 2026 – increase of 5.0% from $4.21 to $4.42; and FY 2027 – increase of 5.0% from
$4.42 to $4.64. The Authority may or may not act on the proposed 2026-2027
wholesale water rate changes following the public hearing at the February 26,
2025 meeting. Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to
attend and participate in this meeting should contact Sharon Hu , Executive
Assistant, at (540) 639-2575 Ext. 800. Caleb M. Taylor, Executive Director.