Liz Kirchner

Individuals, families, businesses and civic groups can help fill holiday meal boxes program with the United Way of Montgomery, Radford, and Floyd on Main Street in Christiansburg.
“We’re asking for food and folks to run food drives at their offices and collect food at grocery stores. We’re collecting now for Christmas and December 11 is the deadline,” Marcela Jara, Programs Manager United Way of MRF said.
The Holiday Food Box program collects all the fixinings for a Christmas dinner.
“Turkeys and ham. Mashed potatoes and veggies for that Christmas meal,” she said.
Food insecurity, at 12 percent in the United States means that 1 out of 8 people isn’t sure where her next meal will come from.
Hunger is especially visible during the holiday season when food is a central part of family celebrations.
Last year, the United Way Holiday Meal Box efforts provided 451 families and 1418 individuals with a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal box. The effort hopes to serve more low-income families this year.
The United Way has teamed up with local partner agencies Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program (MCEAP), Radford Emergency Assistance Program (REAP) and Floyd County Emergency Assistance Program (FCEAP) to supply local low-income families with holiday dinner essentials throughout the New River valley.
If you or someone you know is in need of a Holiday Meal Box, please contact the following partner agencies based upon the area you reside in for more information:
Montgomery County, Emergency Assistance Program at (540) 381-1561
Radford City, Emergency Assistance Program at (540) 633-5133 ext.417
Floyd County, Emergency Assistance Program at (540) 745-2102
Donations can also be dropped off at the United Way office in Downtown
Christiansburg, located at 111 West Main Street.
Drop-off hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Holiday Dinner Box Needs List:
• Gift Cards for Frozen Turkeys
• Canned Veggies
• Canned Hams
• Yams
• Corn Meal/Corn Muffin Mix
• Marshmallows
• Flour
• Stuffing Mix
• Sugar
• Instant Mashed Potatoes
• Canned Pie Filling
• Rice
• Pie Crust Mix
• Box Macaroni and Cheese
• Jell-O
• Canned Pumpkin
• Pudding Mix
• French’s Fried Onions
For more information contact United Way of Montgomery, Radford & Floyd at (540) 381-2066 or