A major waterline replacement along Roanoke Street in Christiansburg will take place in phases with Phase 1 beginning Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022. Final phases will take place in 2023.
During Phase I, crews will be replacing the waterline along Roanoke Street between East Main Street and First Street. Motorists can expect road closures and detours in this area. The work will happen at night, beginning at 7 p.m. and ending at 6 a.m., daily. Phase I is expected to be complete by the end of September.
The current waterline is prone to breaks and is beyond its service life. The replacement of this line will provide a higher level of service, reduce outages for citizens that result from breaks, and provide crews the opportunity to replace the pavement in this area.
Crews will also take this time to install new water meters along Roanoke Street.
As this project moves forward, citizens who live along Roanoke Street and cross streets may experience temporary and brief outages, low or high pressure, discolored water, and/or accessibility issues.
Crews will contact customers who may experience outages due to the work. Citizens are encouraged to monitor their water and if any air, discoloration, or sediment is observed, they should run the waterline until the water runs clear. Any questions can be directed to Capital Projects Engineer Don Cole at 540-382-6120 ext. 1153.
Information regarding the latter phases will be released once scheduling is finalized.